The first bikini in history


What was the first bikini in history? Who is the inventor? You can't think of it.

Do you know who invented the bikini? In fact, he is a French automotive engineer. At the scene of the world's first bikini press conference, some viewers even fainted when they saw the model nosebleed directly. Today, let us talk about the history of bikinis.

The world’s first bikini was invented in 1946; half a century ago, the swimsuit and bikini at that time can be said to be two worlds; at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, women’s swimwear was made of wool. Yes, you must wear a complete set, including dresses, pants, shoes, and hats. The society of that era was relatively conservative, and the swimsuits at that time did not reveal too many body parts; women can’t wear them like this. When I walked around on the beach, I needed to hire a carriage with a small room on it, and then pulled it to the beach before I could change my swimsuit in it. After I changed it, I went straight into the sea. But this kind of swimsuit is inconvenient to move around, and the material is also absorbent, so some people have some ideas to change it.

In 1907, an Australian female swimmer appeared at the beach for wearing a one-piece swimsuit with exposed arms and shorts. As a result, she was arrested by the police for indecent assault. This attracted the attention of the public. Many women were caught by her. Influence, began to ask the society to relax restrictions on swimwear. Promoting the birth of the bikini, there are three major backgrounds in the middle. First of all, the most important is the trend of women’s thoughts in the 1920s. During World War I, because men were basically fighting on the battlefield, and due to the economic depression after the war, women began to walk out of their homes and took over part of the work in society. The number continued to increase, and their clothing began to pursue higher activity due to work needs, and relatively simple styles became popular; the society at that time gradually permeated the atmosphere where women can also be free and capable. Financial independence makes them more confident. And even with that, everyone will want to make a breakthrough in swimwear, and don't want to be subject to a lot of restrictions.

In the 1930s, the two-section swimsuit appeared. Although it only divided the swimsuit into tops and pants without revealing too many body parts, it was also a breakthrough at the time. During this period, fashion magazines also began to bring female readers to pay attention to their good-looking swimwear. In addition to the changes in styles, the material of the swimwear also changed significantly due to the invention of man-made fibers; by 1935, nylon was invented, which is better than normal. Both the wool and cotton are stronger and more elastic, and the swimsuit becomes more able to fit the body. During World War II in 1942, because fabric fibers became an important substance, the raw material for making swimwear fabrics became less. In July 1946, an automotive engineer (Louis Reid) launched the first piece in history. The three-point swimsuit has greatly increased the degree of exposure. At that time, this swimsuit was named bikini (bikini). At that time, people had a deep production of the position of the waistband of women's swimsuits, and the bikini was the first in history that allowed women to show their belly buttons. Swimsuits, coupled with the wearing of only a few threads to tie the clothes to the body, frightened everyone. Reid couldn't find a model who was willing to wear it publicly; in the end, he paid for a stripper. It is said that some audience members could not bear the nosebleed on the spot.

After the press conference, the bikini caused a sensation in the society for a while, but the subsequent sales were very poor; the fashion magazines at the time commented that any dignified and talented woman could not wear this kind of thing; in addition, the bikini was also hit by Spain, Italy and other countries banned it, and even the pope once said that it was a guilty design. At that time, only some more avant-garde women in the upper class of France were willing to try it. Then how did bikinis become as common as they are now? Like most popular fashions nowadays, bikinis were initially supported by film and television stars, which drove the acceptance of the public.

The first bikini in history

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